Heart of Georgia Nurseries

Wholesale Growers of High Quality Plants  
The Heart of Georgia Nurseries are a diverse group of independent growers that sell to the green industry. Our customers include: wholesale growers, retail garden centers, landscaping firms, re-wholesale yards, and other industry related business. The Heart of Georgia Nurseries collectively offer a full range of nursery stock for the trade.

Full Range of Nursery Stock for the Trade
Heart of Georgia Nursery Group invites you to visit each of our member nurseries and farms. Within a mere 90 mile radius in the heart of Georgia’s ideal growing region, you’ll find all the top quality plants and services for your landscaping projects. From plugs to full grown trees, our wide selection of nursery stock speaks for itself. Try any of our members once, and thereafter you’ll forever come.

Our Growers -- On our website find links to any of our growers to learn more about their plants and their company.

Address:   4809 Stagecoach Rd, Ellenwood, GA 30294
Phone:  (404) 363-1790   FAX: 


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