Be a SodStar and green up the neighborhood Farm-fresh sod & game-changing grass varieties With our widespread network of sod farms, covering thousands of acres and a range of hardiness zones and soil types, SodStar grows more turfgrass varieties than any other sod grower in the Carolinas or Virginia. Our all-encompassing roster includes traditional cultivars for turf managers wishing to stick to the tried-and-true, as well as newer next-generation grasses, for those seeking improved performance and aesthetic characteristics. No matter what type of site you manage — golf course, sports field, lawn/landscape, commercial property, park, cemetery or roadside right-of-way — we have your best turfgrass solution.
Buy Sod re-Brands to SodStar SodStar’s branded, high-performance varieties have been thoroughly tested in research trials, with proven qualities that deliver dependable results. And all of our cultivars are grown under rigorous certification protocols, ensuring the genetic purity and integrity of whichever turfgrass you select. Equally important, our advanced routing system fast-tracks your order for rapid delivery even on short notice. Upon delivery confirmation and routing, we email to you a delivery notification with the expected arrival time and a link to a GPS system where you can track exactly where your sod is in route.  |